Swim Chi Membership

COMING SOON – Swim Chi membership! Register to receive advanced notification of membership opening and introductory offers.

Swim Chi membership gives you access to our training, resources and support. You will receive:

Weekly Training Videos

The first ten months of weekly videos provide a structured introductory course to train you in the essentials of Swim Chi. This covers:

    1 Introduction to the Swim Chi Form (set of moves), basic

    2 Advanced Swim Chi Form moves, exercises and variations

    3 Swim Chi applications for swimming and training

You will also be introduced to Tai Chi concepts and exercises throughout the course.

Following the weekly introductory course videos, you will receive weekly training videos providing further training and insights, to improve, deepen and maintain your understanding of Swim Chi.

You will receive access to at least one new video per week. Each will be around 40 minutes long, and we recommend viewing more than once, as they will contain a lot of information. Once accessed, introductory course videos remain permanently accessible, along with at least three previous months of other training videos. This allows you to repeat, review, or just do an extra class whenever you wish.

We will continue to add new features and services as the Swim Chi community develops, and will involve our membership in feeding back on what they would find useful and like to see on the site. Examples include:

    Regular update and newsletter emails (available from launch)

    Forum/Bulletin Board access, including responses from Swim Chi trainer

    Bonus training videos on special subjects*

    Videos of interviews, events, and other areas of interest

    Opportunity to grade included at no extra cost

    Various other training materials

    Invitations to exclusive member events (seminars, retreats)**

* Some access subject to completion of introductory training elements

** Optional, may involve additional cost

Outcomes from following the programme:

– 1 month

You will be familiar with the structure of the Swim Chi Form (set of movements). You can perform initial moves and have practised some later moves. You can use Tai Chi exercises to warm up and been introduced to basic Tai Chi principles.

– 3 months.

You are able to perform most of the Swim Chi Form to a basic level. You are starting to understand the links between Swim Chi and improving your swimming. You are developing your understanding of Tai Chi principles. You are developing mindfulness of your swimming.

Opportunity to Grade going forward*

– After 6 months

You are able to perform the whole of the Swim Chi Form to an improved level. You are fluent in various Tai Chi exercises, developing your understanding of underlying principles, and how they apply to Swim Chi and swimming. You can apply some of the Swim Chi moves to improving your swimming. You have increasing mindfulness of your swimming and technique.

– After 12 months

You are able to confidently perform the Swim Chi Form. You know how to use many of the moves as standalone exercises along with variations and alternatives. You can apply Swim Chi to improving swimming and structuring to use as part of your pool training. You have a developing understanding of Tai Chi principles and increased awareness of how they affect and improve your body and movement. You have a good level of mindfulness of your swimming, and are able to use this to wilfully focus on specific parts of your body and technique while swimming to make improvements.

– Post 12 months

You continue to improve your Swim Chi practice, regularly training and continually improving your swimming technique and enjoyment. You may choose to progress as a Swim Chi instructor, look further into Tai Chi, or both.

*To give time for practice, and consolidation of techniques, gradings will be offered at 3 monthly intervals for those who wish to do so. You can wait longer, but must wait at least 3 months between gradings.